We here at P.R.I. are devoted to giving you access to the best in BattleTech programs and files dedicated to bringing enhanced enjoyment to the game. If you know of something I don't have, or want something I don't have, contact me and I will see if I know of anyone who can do that. Now without further interruption, the goods are below. Have fun. Medron Pryde

"Man is free at the moment he wishes to be." - Voltaire


20 Years of Battletech

PRI Pages


P.R.I. Forum




Crouton Command

Human Sphere

E-Mail Medron

File Section

Creative Writing


BattleTech Book Scans

HeavyMetal Programs

'Mech Programs

Vehicle Programs

Miscellaneous Programs

Game Aids

Game Boards

Full Games

BattleTech Addons

BattleTech Mods

Retail Games

Non-BattleTech Files




Faction Logo Files
'Mech Picture Files
Vehicle Picture Files
Infantry Picture Files

Faction Logo Files

Camospecs Logos - Khan Joseph Mallan sent me these files that have logos from CamoSpecs.
CamoSpecs Logos - Uploaded 11-29-2004
CamoSpecs Logos Pack 2 - Uploaded 12-07-2004
CamoSpecs Logos Pack 3 - Uploaded 01-19-2005

My Logo Archive
General military ranks, military unit patches, nation logos, mercenary units, and anything else I have collected over the years. At this time, there are a total of over 20 megabytes worth of jpeg and gif files in these suckers. Much of the stuff here comes from the old sourcebooks like the House Books and Camo specs and jazz like that. Some of them I think are fan made, some were made by me, some were made for BattleTech 3025 (the online game that was abandoned some while back), and some even came with Heavy Metal Pro a long time ago that I just saved. Essentially, there is a little bit of everything in these files and I hope you like them.
Davion Political
Davion Military
Davion BT 3025 Ranks
Davion Medals

Steiner Political
Steiner Military
Steiner BT 3025 Ranks
Steiner Medals

FedCom Political
FedCom Noncanon Ranks

Marik Political
Marik Military
Marik BT 3025 Ranks
Marik Medals

Kurita Political
Kurita Military
Kurita BT 3025 Ranks

Liao Political
Liao Military
Liao BT 3025 Ranks
Liao Decorations




Comstar and Word of Blake

The Clans

'Mech Picture Files
Darkage 'Mechs
Darkage 'Mechs
- Uploaded 01/19/2005
A massive collection of Battle and IndustrialMech CG and mini pictures that I hope you all can use. It is seperated into a number of directories so you can choose what to have where.

Project Phoenix 'Mechs
Project Phoenix 'Mechs
- Uploaded 03/21/2004
And here there are a number of Project Phoenix 'Mech scans from the back of Project Phoenix. Those pictures are one of the best parts of the book, IMHO, and one of the reasons I really like that small but generally very nice product. No other TRO has been chock full of art depicting the variants described in the book. I like that.

Dark Age 'Mechs - CG
Dark Age 'Mechs - CG
- Uploaded 03/20/2004
Here is a collection of Dark Age Computer Generated images originally published on the data cards that came with the unique Dark Age miniatures. They have also been published on the main Dark Age site and I have compiled the pictures into BattleMech and IndustrialMech zip files.

Dark Age 'Mechs - Minis
Dark Age 'Mechs - Minis
- Uploaded 03/20/2004
Here is a collection of Dark Age miniature pictures originally published on the main Dark Age site. I have compiled the pictures into BattleMech and IndustrialMech zip files.

Dark Age IndustrialMechs - CG
Dark Age IndustrialMechs - CG
- Uploaded 03/20/2004
Here is a collection of Dark Age Computer Generated images originally published on the data cards that came with the unique Dark Age miniatures. They have also been published on the main Dark Age site and I have compiled the pictures into BattleMech and IndustrialMech zip files.

Dark Age 'Mechs - Minis
Dark Age IndustrialMechs - Minis
- Uploaded 03/20/2004
Here is a collection of Dark Age miniature pictures originally published on the main Dark Age site. I have compiled the pictures into BattleMech and IndustrialMech zip files.

Japanese 'Mechs
Japanese 'Mechs
- Uploaded 12/18/2001
Have you seen the old drawings of the LosMechs from Japan? Well, if you are interested in them, here they are. Thank you Tim Piazzi for the files.

Solaris 'Mechs
Solaris 'Mechs
- Uploaded 12/18/2001
And here are some low resolution pictures of some of the Solaris 'Mechs as well. Once again, thank you Tim Piazzi for the pics.

MF UK 'Mechs
MechForce UK 'Mechs
- Uploaded 11/27/2001
Here is a small collection of pictures drawn by our good friend MacAttack for the UK 'Mechs. Nice jobs if I say so myself.

The Unseen
The Unseen
- Uploaded 9/26/2001
You want the Unseen? Here they are. I have a "small" collection of TRO pictures on my hard drive, so when HMPlus came out with all of the 'Mechs except the Unseen included in picture format due to a certain issue that I don't think I need to name, I decided to donate my collection of pictures to all of the rest of you loyal BattleTech players. Enjoy.

Vehicle Picture Files
Darkage 'Mechs
Darkage Vehicles
- Uploaded 01/19/2005
A massive collection of vehicle CG and mini pictures that I hope you all can use. It is seperated into a number of directories so you can choose what to have where.

Dark Age Vehicles - CG
Dark Age Vehicles - CG
- Uploaded 03/20/2004
Here is a collection of Dark Age CG pictures published on the main Dark Age site. I have compiled the pictures into BattleMech and IndustrialMech zip files.

Dark Age Vehicles - Minis
Dark Age Vehicles - Minis
- Uploaded 03/20/2004
Here is a collection of Dark Age miniature pictures published on the main Dark Age site. I have compiled the pictures into BattleMech and IndustrialMech zip files.

Shamash MK II HoverTank
This was commissioned by JackMC from one of the BattleTech artists. It is a new variant of the Shamash and I offered to host it.

Infantry Picture Files
Darkage 'Mechs
Darkage Infantry
- Uploaded 01/19/2005
A collection of infantry mini pictures that I hope you all can use.

A directory of Graphics related websites that this page is now a part of. Check there for general graphics of any kind.

Since Tuesday, November 12, 2002

Battletech, MechWarrior, BattleMech and 'Mech are registered trademarks and MechCommander is a Trademark of Wizkids Corporation. Any use of Wizkids' copyrighted material or trademarks in these files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks.

Copyright (c) 2003 P.R.I.. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or in any medium without express written permission from P.R.I. is prohibited. The P.R.I. name and P.R.I. logo are trademarks of P.R.I.. All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners.

Hosted by:
Crosswinds - 1999
Steelcommand Family - 2000-2001 - Mil-Net and P.R.I. are the only two surviving Steelcommand sites that I know of
Max Gaming - 2001-2010
Umbrella Technologies - 2011