AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:    Skadi Frigate (Human Sphere)
Tech: Clan / 3083
Vessel Type: WarShip
Rules: Level 3, Standard design
Mass: 92,600 tons
Length: 275 meters
Sail Diameter: 838 meters
Power Plant: Standard
Safe Thrust: 5
Maximum Thrust: 8
Armor Type: Lamellor Ferro-carbide
4 Light NPPC
2 Piranha*
30 Plasma Rifle (UK)
48 Large Pulse Laser
48 Medium Pulse Laser
12 ATM 12
21 Laser AMS
10 Gauss Rifle
Manufacturer:    Alshain AeroSpace
   Location:    Alshain


         The Skadi is the primary patrol craft of the Rasalhague Dominion. Named after the Norse ice queen and god of the hunt, justice, and vengeance, they can be seen throughout the Dominion, putting fear in the hearts of smugglers, pirates, and worse. First built to support the Storbjorn cruisers and the remaining Leviathans, they have an array of large particle cannons and missile launchers for dealing with capital ships. A primary energy armament keeps their ammunition requirements low, though banks of ATMs and gauss rifles do give the Skadi extra range and firepower.

Class/Model/Name: Skadi Frigate (Human Sphere)
Mass: 92,600 tons
Equipment:             Mass
Power Plant: Standard 27,780.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (Integrity = 4) 41,902.00
Lithium Fusion Battery:   926.00
Jump Sail: (Integrity = 3) 35.00
Structural Integrity: 99 9,167.50
Safe Thrust: 5  
Maximum Thrust: 8  
Heat Sinks: 803 Double 523.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:   3,200.00
Bridge & Controls:   232.00
Fire Control Computers:   644.00
Armor Factor: 353 Lamellor Ferro-carbide 183.00

      Armor Value
      (Capital Scale)        
  Fore: 82      
  Fore Left / Right: 61 / 61      
  Aft Left / Right: 52 / 52      
  Aft: 45      

Equipment & Options:              
   Bay 1: Cargo (1) with 1 door 431.00
Grav Decks:    
   Grav Decks #1 - 2:  (50-meter diameter) 100
Life Boats: 6 (7 tons each) 42
Escape Pods: 6 (7 tons each) 42
Crew and Passengers:    
   11 Officers (17 minimum)   0.00
   51 Crew (53 minimum)   0.00

Weapons & Equipment: Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
4 Light NPPC Nose 28 28 28 -- 420 5,600.00
2 Piranha*(20 msls) Nose 6 6 6 -- 18 400.00
10 Plasma Rifle (UK) Nose 10(100) 10(100) 10(100) -- 150 60.00
4 ER PPC Nose 6(60) 6(60) 6(60) -- 60 24.00
4 Large Pulse Laser Nose 7(68) 7(68) 4(40) -- 40 24.00
   4 Medium Pulse Laser           16 8.00
4 ATM 12(40 rounds) Nose 8(80) 8(80) -- -- 32 36.00
4 Laser AMS Nose -- -- -- -- 48 6.00
10 Plasma Rifle (UK) FL/R 10(100) 10(100) 10(100) -- 300 120.00
5 Gauss Rifle(56 rounds) FL/R 8(75) 8(75) 8(75) -- 10 134.00
4 Large Pulse Laser FL/R 7(68) 7(68) 4(40) -- 80 48.00
   4 Medium Pulse Laser           32 16.00
4 ATM 12(40 rounds) FL/R 8(80) 8(80) -- -- 64 72.00
4 Laser AMS FL/R -- -- -- -- 96 12.00
8 Large Pulse Laser L/RBS 14(136) 14(136) 8(80) -- 160 96.00
   8 Medium Pulse Laser           64 32.00
4 Large Pulse Laser AL/R 7(68) 7(68) 4(40) -- 80 48.00
   4 Medium Pulse Laser           32 16.00
3 Laser AMS AL/R -- -- -- -- 72 9.00
12 Large Pulse Laser Aft 20(204) 20(204) 12(120) -- 120 72.00
   12 Medium Pulse Laser           48 24.00
3 Laser AMS Aft -- -- -- -- 36 4.50
TOTALS:           1,978 92,600.00
Tons Left:             .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 4,362,867,600 C-Bills
Battle Value: 46,662
Cost per BV: 93,499.37
Weapon Value: 39,530 (Ratio = .85)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 1,555; MRDmg = 1,303; LRDmg = 507; ERDmg = 82
Maintenance Point Value:    MPV = 196,678 (93,444 Structure, 62,850 Life Support, 40,384 Weapons)
Support Points: SP = 135,450 (69% of MPV)
BattleForce2: (Not applicable)