AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:    Krivak Frigate (Human Sphere)
Tech: Inner Sphere / 3096
Vessel Type: WarShip
Rules: Level 3, Standard design
Mass: 51,400 tons
Inner Sphere / 3096: KRV-KFG-V1
K-F Drive System: CST-23M
Length: 223 meters
Sail Diameter: 782 meters
Power Plant: Rawlings Superfire Standard
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Armor Type: Durallex Capital Improved Ferro-aluminum
2 Tiegart Thompson Medium NPPC
1 Republican Super Piranha*
10 Tiegart Magnum ER PPC
36 Intek Large Pulse Laser
6 Yori Flyswatter AMS
Manufacturer:    Terada Yards
   Location:    Dieron
Communications System:    Neil 4000 Tandem Array
Targeting & Tracking System: Chichester ASR 26 Nodal Network


         The most recent design placed in space by the Tikonov Free Republic, the Krivak patrol frigate has already become the most commonly-sighted ship in Republic space. The Republican Navy valued their Riga escorts for acceleration profile, impressive weapons grid, and capability to take damage, but they needed a frigate with heavy naval weapons to match those of other nations. They ordered the design of such a craft and the Krivak was soon unveiled to them.
         Now mass produced by the Dieron yards for Republic use or for sale to friendly nations, it carries the heavy forward naval firepower required, and is still small enough to land at standard DropPorts. It has the standard Republic crew of 80 men and women, but they have comfortable quarters. It also has quarters for BattleArmored marines and for the fighter and small craft crews to live in, making the ship more comfortable and useful in long patrols. Unfortunately, these superior capabilities had a price and that is that it has a lower acceleration profile than the Riga.
         Still, the Krivak has gained a fierce reputation in its primary role, running down and stopping smugglers on the borders of the Republic and other friendly nations. It is also used to transport BattleMech companies at times, but most commanders consider its heavy naval weapons grid to be too valuable in its primary role to be relegated to a "mere" transport.

Class/Model/Name: Krivak Frigate (Human Sphere)
Mass: 51,400 tons
Equipment:             Mass
Power Plant: Standard 12,336.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (Integrity = 3) 23,259.00
Lithium Fusion Battery:   514.00
Jump Sail (Detachable): (Integrity = 3) 33.00
Structural Integrity: 111 5,705.50
Safe Thrust: 4  
Maximum Thrust: 6  
Heat Sinks: 390 Double 188.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:   1,000.00
Bridge & Controls:   129.00
Armor Factor: 180 Improved Ferro-aluminum 114.00

      Armor Value
      (Capital Scale)        
  Fore: 35      
  Fore Left / Right: 35 / 35      
  Aft Left / Right: 25 / 25      
  Aft: 25      

Equipment & Options:              
   Bay 1: Fighters (6) with 3 doors 900.00
   Bay 2: Small Craft (2) with 1 door 400.00
   Bay 3: Cargo (1) with 2 doors 1,501.50
Grav Decks:    
   Grav Deck #1: (60-meter diameter)  
Life Boats: 20 (7 tons each) 140
Crew and Passengers:    
   19 Officers (12 minimum)   0.00
   61 Crew (36 minimum)   0.00
   22 2nd Class Passengers   0.00
   28 Marine Battle Armor Troopers/Elementals   0.00
   22 Bay Personnel   0.00

Weapons & Equipment: Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
2 Medium NPPC Nose 18 18 18 18 270 3,600.00
1 Piranha*(10 msls) Nose 3 3 3 -- 9 200.00
4 ER PPC Nose 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) -- 60 28.00
8 Large Pulse Laser Nose 7(72) 7(72) -- -- 80 56.00
1 AMS(36 rounds) Nose -- -- -- -- 1 3.50
3 ER PPC FL/R 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) -- 90 42.00
7 Large Pulse Laser FL/R 6(63) 6(63) -- -- 140 98.00
1 AMS(36 rounds) FL/R -- -- -- -- 2 7.00
6 Large Pulse Laser AL/R 5(54) 5(54) -- -- 120 84.00
1 AMS(36 rounds) AL/R -- -- -- -- 2 7.00
2 Large Pulse Laser Aft 2(18) 2(18) -- -- 20 14.00
1 AMS(36 rounds) Aft -- -- -- -- 1 3.50
TOTALS:           795 51,400.00
Tons Left:             .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 4,232,150,000 C-Bills
Battle Value: 16,835
Cost per BV: 251,389.96
Weapon Value: 16,732 (Ratio = .99)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 615; MRDmg = 553; LRDmg = 179; ERDmg = 63
Maintenance Point Value:    MPV = 108,280 (59,443 Structure, 34,598 Life Support, 14,239 Weapons)
Support Points: SP = 103,643 (96% of MPV)
BattleForce2: (Not applicable)