BattleTech Vehicle Technical Readout

Type/Model: Mining/Construction Robots (Human Sphere)
Tech: Inner Sphere / 2500
Config: Tracked Vehicle
Rules: Level 2, Standard design
Mass: 25 tons
Power Plant: 125 Nissan Fusion
Cruise Speed: 54.0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h
Armor Type: Standard
6 Small Lasers
Manufacturer:    (Unknown)
   Location:    (Unknown)
Communications System:    (Unknown)
Targeting & Tracking System: (Unknown)


         Robots of every size and description have been used to perform routine construction and mining tasks since the days of the Terran Hegemony. While lacking intelligence, they have often been equipped with sophisticated discernment programs (an outgrowth of the "expert system" of the early computer age) that permit them to carry out their tasks without direct supervision. These robots are intended for use in hostile or vacuum environments, thus dispensing with the need for human workers there, but in modern times only the richer concerns use them.

Type/Model: Mining/Construction Robots (Human Sphere)
Mass: 25 tons
Equipment:   Items Mass
Internal Structure: 12 pts Standard 0 2.50
Engine: 125 Fusion 0 4.00
Shielding & Trans Equip:   0 2.00
   Cruise MP: 5    
   Flank MP: 8    
Heat Sinks: 10 Single 0 .00
Cockpit & Controls: 0 1.50
Crew: 2 Members 0 .00
Armor Factor: 64 pts Standard 0 4.00

    Internal Armor
    Structure Value
  Front: 3 24
  Left / Right Sides: 3 13/13
  Rear: 3 14

Weapons & Equipment: Loc Heat Ammo Items Mass
6 Small Lasers Front 6   6 3.00
mining/construction equipment Body 0   1 7.00
TOTALS:   6   7 24.00
Items & Tons Left:       3 1.00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 444,792 C-Bills
Battle Value: 147
Cost per BV: 3,025.79
Weapon Value: 44 / 44 (Ratio = .30 / .30)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 5; MRDmg = 0; LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2: MP: 5T,   Armor/Structure: 0 / 3
    Damage PB/M/L: 2/-/-,   Overheat: 0
    Class: GL,   Point Value: 1

Designed with HeavyMetal Vee