Classic BattleTech Battle Armor Technical Readout

Type/Model: Tunnel Rat I/II (Human Sphere)
Tech: Inner Sphere / 3055
Chassis Type: Humanoid
Weight Class: PA(L)/Exoskeleton (0 - 400 kg)
Rules: Level 2, Standard design / CBT Rules
Ground Speed: 10.8 km/h
Armor Type: Standard
Manufacturer:    General Motors
   Location:    Kathil


         The recovery of the Star League memory core earlier in this century opened up doors that had remained closed for centuries. The military industry may have been the first and most prominent recipient of the advances uncovered-and recovered-but it didn’t take long before many of those same technologies found their way into the civil sector, especially as the same companies that produced high-tech weapons for the militaries of the Inner Sphere were also the ones that manufactured tech items for the civilian markets.
         Since the dawn of civilization, the extraction of raw materials from first the Earth and then the various celestial bodies man traveled has been among the most dangerous of pursuits. Despite its inherent danger, mining not only was necessary for man’s technological revolutions, it has also long been one of the most lucrative prospects available, one that General Motors has been deeply interested in for centuries. GM’s first lines of mining exoskeletons debuted during the Star League era, but the Succession Wars all but put an end to those pursuits. It wasn’t until the middle of this century that the company’s once-impressive exoskeleton lines opened back up, producing the same quality-and better-industrial units than it had three centuries earlier.
         The Tunnel Rat series of exoskeletons was designed specifically for the mining industry, which itself had spawned a long list of specialized equipment and uniquely skilled personnel. Unfortunately, while that equipment was well suited for large-scale operations, such as strip-mining and sinking massive mine shafts, it still required individual miners working with hand-held tools and explosives to economically pursue the smaller veins. That’s where the mining exoskeleton comes into play.
         Miners had long possessed hydraulic- and pneumatic-powered equipment, and even some
exoskeletons of pre-Star League design, but it wasn’t until the modern BattleArmor technology exoskeleton came into existence that they finally got the tool they needed. Small enough to fit into a man-sized shaft without the need for extensive support, a man wearing one of these could work longer and dig faster than ever before, and even work alongside several others without fear of compromising a feed line or getting in each others’ way. Moreover, they could have more reliable communications, a rugged life-support system and a modicum of survivability in case of cave-in or accident.
         The Mole series debuted in 3052, but it was the Tunnel Rat in 3055 that truly marked the arrival of the dedicated mining exoskeletons. The Tunnel Rat I, massing less than a fifth of a ton, was a revolution. It is pressurized, allowing a miner to forego the usual flimsy space suit in hostile or low-pressure atmospheres, and at the same time is armored, protecting its wearer far better against cave-ins or equipment mishaps that would otherwise shred a suit and seriously injure a miner. It mounts manipulators on each "hand" that allow wearers to use just about every heavy tool they might need (though fine tasks still require a gloved hand to accomplish), as well as universal adapters so that a drill can be mounted directly to one of the suit’s arms.
         The Tunnel Rat II is a relatively minor upgrade, utilizing a more reliable power source and better electronics. The Tunnel Rat III, however, is a completely reworked design. Heavier, massing just shy of 300 kilos, it is far better armored and has an enhanced life support system-both in response to calls for better survivability in the event of disaster. It also mounts a basic jet system, granting users unheard-of low-g mobility (though in normal gravity, the system is typically disabled to prevent accidents).
         All three Tunnel Rats are in wide use throughout the Federation Expanse, primarily in harsh environments and by larger corporations. Unfortunately, while it is among the best pieces of equipment available to mining concerns, it is also among the most costly; small operations, and those that make extensive use of slave or prison labor, continue to use what they have for a thousand years.

Type/Model: Tunnel Rat I/II (Human Sphere)
Equipment:   Slots Mass, kg
Chassis Type: PA(L) Class Humanoid 0 80
Motive System: Ground Movement (1 MP) 0 0
Armor Type: 1 Points Standard 0 50
   Left Arm: Modular Equipment Adapter 2 10
Basic Manipulator 0 0
   Right Arm: Modular Equipment Adapter 2 10
Industrial Drill 0 30

Weapons and Equipment: Loc Shots Slots Mass, kg
TOTALS:     4 180
Slots & Mass Left: 2 220

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 237,500 C-Bills, Including Trooper Training Costs of 150,000 C-bills
Battle Value: 4 (40 for 10)
Cost per BV: 21,875 (without Trooper Training costs)
Weapon Value: 0 (Ratio=.00)
Mechanized: Cannot travel on any 'Mechs or Vehicles
Attacks: Can not perform Swarm or Leg attacks
BattleForce2: Class: IB,   MP: 1,   Armor/Structure: 2 / 0
    Damage PB/M/L: -/-/-,   Overheat: 0
    Point Value: 0,   Specials: car10
CBT:RPG Data: Armor Value (M/B/E/X): 4/4/5/4,   Coverage: Full
  IR: 0,   ECM: 0,   Camo: 0
  Melee AP: 1,   Target Size Modifier: 0
  Movement Modifiers: Walking: 0, Running: 0, Sprinting: 0
  Attribute Modifiers:   STR: +1,   DEX: -5,   RFL: 0
  Equipment Rating: E/E/E

Created by HeavyMetal Battle Armor